The County Clerk is the clerk for the county courts, including probate courts, and the commissioners court. The clerk is also the recorder for the county (Tex. Const. Art. V, Sec. 20). All instruments filed for record are done so in the clerk's office. A specific and vast knowledge of all the foregoing statutes is required to conduct business in every division of the County Clerk's office. A working knowledge and understanding of the many laws and statutes of the State of Texas, as well as local rules, is necessary.
In addition to real estate records, the County Clerk office is responsible for full scale processing of assumed name certificates, DD214's military discharge, brands, bonds, agendas, plats and a vast array of other legal documents. The Vital Statistics Division brings forth another set of duties and obligations in issuing and certifying birth and death records. All marriage applications and licenses are processed in the County Clerk's Office according to the guidelines set out by statute.
Real Property Records
The Texas Legislature recently amended the Property Code to provide a streamlined procedure for addressing discriminatory provisions in real property records. Although state law already declared restrictions and provisions in real property records that prohibit the use, sale or transfer of real property to a person based on race, color, religion, or national origin to be void and unenforceable, Senate Bill 30, which took effect on September 1, 2021, establishes a process for a property owner, or another person that the owner authorizes, to request a judicial review of specific property records to determine whether they contain prohibited discriminatory provisions.
The bill sets out the contents of the documents required to be submitted to the court as well as a suggested format for the court’s findings and order. Under certain circumstances, the court may issue its determination without conducting a hearing. No filing fees may be charged under the statute.
To view the language of the bill and the format for filing with the court as well as the format for the court’s findings and order, use the link: 87(R) SB 30 - Enrolled version (
For E-recording in the real estate records visit our vendors; simplifile, CSC, or NTC.
On line index searches:
Years available are: 1870-1944; visit and January 1, 1983 through current visit
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2022 Foreclosure Listings
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2020 Foreclosure Listings
2019 Foreclosure Listings
2018 Foreclosure Listings
2017 Foreclosure Listings
2016 Foreclosure Listings
2015 Foreclosure Listings
County Court Records
View probate and county court index information at Subscriptions are available, see idocket website for information.
Nondisclosure form-
Office of Court Administration Reports
2016 Reports
2017 Reports
2018 Reports
2019 Reports
2020 Reports
2021 Reports
2022 Reports
2023 Reports
2024 Reports
2025 Reports
Marriage License
Both applicants must be present to apply for a marriage license. A marriage license is valid for ninety (90) days from the day it is issued; however, a couple must wait seventy-two (72) hours after issuance before the license becomes valid. A marriage license may be used anywhere in the State of Texas.
Procedure to apply for the marriage license:
1. Both applicants appear in person
2. Submit original unexpired proof of identity
(State issued Driver License, State issued Identification card or certified copy of birth certificate)
3. Social Security card
4. $81.00 cash
5. Arrive in office by 4:00 PM Monday through Thursday and before 3:00 PM on Friday
For couples taking the State-Approved Marriage Class:
1. Procedures for applying remain the same.
2. Original Course certificate
(must be able to be verified through the State of Texas on line by the Clerk’s Office)
3. 72 hour waiting period is automatically waived
4. $21.00
5. Arrive in office by 4:00 PM Monday through Thursday and before 3:00 PM on Friday
For more information on the state approved marriage class go to
Birth Certificate Form
Death Certificate Form
Discharge Record Form
Assumed Name Certificate
Statement of Abandonment
Marks & Brand Waiver
Fees - Effective 2024